Join us for our sermon series, “Snapshots of the Savior,” starting August 13. As we journey through the lectionary readings from the Gospel of Matthew, we will discover more clearly who our Savior is, what exactly He came to do, and who He calls us to be as His followers today. 

Spend some time each week reading and meditating on the text in preparation for the Sunday gathering.

August 13 – Jesus Rescues a Man Drowning in Doubt 

Matthew 14:22-33

Jesus walks on water, and the disciples are afraid at His arrival. Peter is the first to speak and first to step out of the boat. However, Peter is not portrayed as a person of faith to emulate; instead, he displays great doubt. He questions both Jesus’ identity and whether Jesus can do what He says. Despite Peter’s doubt, Jesus saves him as he sinks. We may also experience doubt in our walk with Jesus, but He extends a hand of grace, salvation, and restoration, never abandoning us.

August 20 – The Remarkable Faith of a Canaanite Woman

Matthew 15:21-28

A Canaanite woman approaches Jesus, seeking help for her demon-possessed daughter. Despite initial His silence, she shows remarkable faith by acknowledging Jesus as “Lord” and the “Son of David.” Jesus explains His mission to the lost sheep of Israel, but the woman persists with unwavering faith. She humbly compares herself to dogs under the table, accepting even the crumbs from the Master’s table. Jesus heals her daughter, and praises her faith in knowing His identity and believing in His abundant provision for all, including Gentiles.

August 27 – Confessing Christ: Our Unshakable Foundation

Matthew 16:13-20

Jesus asks His disciples who they believe Him to be, and Peter proclaims Him as the Christ, the Son of the living God. Just like Peter, we are called to confess Jesus as the Christ, the Son of the living God. Our faith in Jesus’ identity and work is the foundation of the Christian faith. This confession remains central to the life of every believer today.

September 3 – The Way of the Cross

Matthew 16:21-28

This passage serves as a reminder that our thoughts about God’s ways may not always align with His actual plans. We must be cautious not to fall into the trap of seeking only worldly success and comfort, as this may lead us away from God’s true purpose for our lives. Like Jesus, we are called to embrace humility, obedience, and even suffering, knowing that God’s ultimate plan is for the redemption and salvation of all people. This challenges us to deny our self-centered desires and follow Christ wholeheartedly, trusting in His wisdom and grace to work through us

September 10 – The Shepherd’s Heart: Cultivating Compassion

Matthew 18:1-20

Jesus emphasizes the importance of valuing and caring for every individual, especially those considered weak or less significant. He warns against causing harm to anyone’s faith and commands us not to despise or neglect those in need. Instead, we are called to show genuine concern and love, just as the Good Shepherd seeks out the one who has strayed. Let us embrace this message and uplift one another with compassion and grace.

September 17 – Limitless Forgiveness

Matthew 18:21-35

Jesus addresses the question of forgiveness raised by Peter and emphasizes the importance of forgiveness among his disciples. He shares the parable of the Unforgiving Servant, illustrating the significance of forgiving others without limits. As Jesus’ followers who’ve received unlimited forgiveness, we are called to extend this unlimited forgiveness to others, empowering us to live out his teachings on compassion and forgiveness.