New Series

Join us for a 7-week sermon series (October 2023) on the book of Galatians, a first-century letter penned by the Apostle Paul, brimming with raw and radical truths that shook the early believers and continues reverberating powerfully into our lives today. It’s a call to explore the astonishing freedom we find in Christ, a freedom that doesn’t trap us in legalism but propels us into a vibrant, Spirit-led life.

Spend some time each week reading and meditating on the text in preparation for the Sunday gathering.

Week 1: The True Gospel (Galatians 1:1-10)

In the opening verses, Paul establishes his apostolic authority and urgently seeks to correct the distortion of the gospel. The gravity of turning to a different gospel is not just wrong, it’s spiritually dangerous.

Week 2: Paul’s Transformative Testimony (Galatians 1:11-24)

Paul went from a Christian-persecuting Pharisee to a Gospel-proclaiming apostle of Christ. His message isn’t a second-hand story; it comes directly from His experience with Jesus. Though we may not have had a Damascus road experience, your story is powerful. Are you ready to share yours?

Week 3: Justification by Faith (Galatians 2:1-21)

This week, the Apostle Paul confronts the Apostle Peter and hits us with a significant truth: if we could save ourselves, then Christ’s death would be pointless. But here’s the deal – we can’t, and that makes His sacrifice everything. 

Week 4: The Law and the Promise (Galatians 3:1-29)

In Galatians 3, Paul asks an important question: Why did God give the Law? The Law, with its rules and commands, was never meant to be a way to earn God’s favor or achieve perfection. Instead, it acts like a mirror, reflecting our flaws and inability to be righteous. It shows us our desperate need for a Savior and points us straight to Jesus.

Week 5: No Longer Slaves (Galatians 4:1-20)

Galatians 4 underscores the powerful shift from slavery under the Law to freedom found in Christ. Paul tells us that we are no longer slaves but sons and daughters of God! As heirs, we’ve got an imperishable inheritance that can never be taken away. 

Week 6: What Do We Do With Our Freedom? (Galatians 5:1-26)

So we’re free. What do we do with that freedom? This week, we’ll discover that a Spirit-led life is not self-focused. Instead, the Holy Spirit produces the fruit of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, and self-control, which we use to serve others.

Week 7: An Unbound Community (Galatians 6:1-18)

Paul ends his letter with a call for us to gently restore those who stumble, lift each other up, maintain humility, carry each other’s burdens, and sow seeds of goodness and love.