Advent at Peace

Hope on the Horizon | An Advent Series 

Join us for our Sunday Advent sermon series, ‘Hope on the Horizon.’ Throughout December, we’ll embark on a journey of anticipation, comfort, Hope, and joy as we explore several prophetic passages from the prophet Isaiah and discover how they each find their ultimate fulfillment in Christ. Each Sunday at 9:30 am, discover the Hope that Jesus brings, the comfort of His presence, and the joy of His salvation. 

12/3 “Longing for God’s Presence”
Isaiah 64:1-9 
Gospel Reading: Mark 13:24-27; 28-37 “Longing for God’s Presence”
Isaiah longs for God’s intervention in a troubled world. This passage reminds us of our own longing for God’s presence amidst life’s challenges. We, too, anticipate Christ’s ultimate return, inspiring us to live with hope and faith in a world as we eagerly await His advent yet to come.

12/10 “Comfort and Preparation”
Isaiah 40:1-11 
Gospel Reading: Mark 1:1–8  
This scripture speaks to our need for God’s comforting presence and guides us in preparing our hearts for Christ’s second coming. We are encouraged to live lives of faith and repentance as we await His return.

12/17 “The Joy of our Salvation”
Isaiah 61:1-4, 8-11
Gospel Reading: Luke 4:16-21
Isaiah proclaims the joyous news of the coming Messianic liberation and restoration. As we await Jesus’ ultimate return, this prophecy encourages us to live in the joy found only in Christ.

12/24 “Hope on the Horizon”  Isaiah 52:7-10
Gospel Reading: John 1:1-14
This passage brings us a vibrant message of hope, painting a picture of a messenger rushing over the mountains to announce peace and bring the good news of salvation. This passage resonates with us as we await the final advent of Christ, reminding us of the joy and responsibility we have as bearers of this same good news today. As modern-day messengers, we are called to live and share the message of peace and reconciliation brought forth by the birth of Jesus.

Join us for our midweek series, ‘The Clothing of the King.’ Each week we’ll gather for dinner at 6pm and for a short devotional service at 7pm inside the sanctuary. During our midweek services we’ll connect the familiar tales like Adam and Eve’s garments and Joseph’s coat of many colors with Christ’s redemptive work. The clothing of the King is tattered and worn and glorious in its incorruptibility. It isn’t ours, yet he gives it to us freely.

12/6 “The Foretaste of Fashion” Genesis 3:14-21

12/13 “An Enviable Style” Genesis 37:1-4

12/20 “Clothed in Conviction” Jonah 3:6-10


Click here to view The Clothing of the Kind Advent devotionals.