Lenten Sermon Series

2/18: Straight Into the Wilderness
Preacher: Nathan Huse

Passage: Mark 1:9-15
In the first week of Lent, as we reflect on Jesus being led into the desert right after His baptism, we’re reminded of how he faced temptation head-on, alone, on our behalf. It’s a profound reminder that in our moments of weakness and temptation, Jesus stood firm. This week, as we contemplate Jesus’ journey into the wilderness, we’re encouraged to see it as a profound assurance of His presence and strength in our lives, especially when we face our own ‘deserts’ of temptation.


2/25: Our Suffering Savior
Preacher: Bob Rossow

Passage: Mark 8:27-38
In the second week of Lent, Peter declares that Jesus is the Messiah. Jesus begins to explain that His messianic journey involves suffering, death, and resurrection—a path contrary to Peter’s expectations, revealing his struggle to grasp the concept of a suffering Messiah. As we reflect on this passage, we are beckoned to consider the paths we are called to walk as we follow Christ.


3/3: Clearing the Clutter
Preacher: Nathan Huse

Passage: John 2:13-22, Hebrews 10:19-25
In the third week of Lent, Jesus clears the Temple, an area meant for Gentile worship but cluttered by commercial activity. A space intended for prayer and connection with God was being diminished to a commercial marketplace. As Jesus drives out the merchants, He not only clears the clutter but also signals the end of the old way. His reference to raising the temple in three days, pointing to His resurrection, reinforces that He is the new and living way through which we have direct access to God.


3/10: Born from Above
Preacher: Nathan Huse

Passage: John 3:14-21
The fourth week of Lent invites us into the nighttime conversation between Jesus and Nicodemus. Jesus reveals that one must be ‘born again,’ or more accurately, ‘born from above.’ This phrase invites us to consider not just a rebirth, but the heavenly origin of this new beginning.


3/17: True Greatness
Preacher: Nathan Huse

Passage: Mark 10:35-45
In the fifth week of Lent, we read of the misguided request of James and John, seeking positions of glory in Jesus’ kingdom. Their request reveals a fundamental misunderstanding of the nature of His mission and kingdom, which is not about earthly power or prestige but about servanthood and sacrifice. Jesus responds by turning this moment into a teachable one, emphasizing that greatness in His kingdom is measured not by authority over others but by the willingness to serve and to give oneself for the sake of others.