Living Gratefully: Thanksgiving in All Circumstances

11/10 – Colossians 2:6-7, John 15:4-5
Title: Gratitude in the Gospel

11/17 – Deuteronomy 8:10-18, Luke 17:11-19
Title: Gratitude in the Good Times

11/24 – Philippians 4:11-13, Luke 22:14-20 
Title: Gratitude in the Hard Times

Living Gratefully Small Group Guide

These guides are designed to help you have meaningful conversations and reflect on what it means to live gratefully in every season of life. They’re meant to encourage sharing, listening, and growing together—whether with your small group, your family, or a few friends. Rooted in our value of belonging, these guides focus on building relationships and deepening your connection with each other and with God.

Feel free to use them over a meal, coffee, or drinks. Our prayer is that these guides will help you grow in your faith and live with more gratitude; whether life is going smoothly or you’re facing tough times.