
You are invited to join the Peace Tustin community for an evening of community and fun! There will be German music, German food, lawn games, and a potluck of assorted…

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Fall LifeGroup Study

We are all busy. Some of us can't remember the last time we rested or even had free time. Our busyness can feel productive but it is a toxic distraction, sapping our spiritual, physical, and emotional vitality. It may seem like we have no choice but to live at a frantic pace, but God has a better path for us.

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Easter at Peace!

You’re invited! Bring your family and experience Easter at Peace Tustin. Early one morning, some 2000 years ago, the entire world changed. When things seemed hopelessly lost, humanity was given…

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Food Drive

Join us on Saturday, October 24 from 12 pm-4 pm for a canned food drive hosted by Peace Tustin and New Life Church. It will take place in the front…

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