Lenten LifeGroups

A New Vision for Lent: Deepening Belonginghttps://youtu.be/eVP8FVmDdzg?si=beoiYtyYC7hE3X_O  This year, we're embracing a new way to journey through Lent together. Instead of midweek worship services, we're launching Lenten LifeGroups, small group…

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Core Values

New Series: CORE VALUES1/5: In Practice, FLEXIBILITY1 Corinthians 9:19-231/12: In Community, BELONGINGRomans 12:3-8; John 15:12-171/19: In Ministry, EMPOWERMENT1 Peter 4:7-11; Acts 6:1-71/26: In Everything, AUTHENTICITYEphesians 2:4-10

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New Series

Join us for a 7-week sermon series (October 2023) on the book of Galatians, a first-century letter penned by the Apostle Paul, brimming with raw and radical truths that shook…

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Join us for our sermon series, "Snapshots of the Savior," starting August 13. As we journey through the lectionary readings from the Gospel of Matthew, we will discover more clearly who…

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